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A Pilot & Guide

Our pilots are experienced aviators and seasoned fishing guides. So, instead of dropping you off and going back for another load, they’ll stay with you as your guide, giving you maximum freedom and flexibility. If you’ve never tried spin or fly-fishing, they’ll show you how. For the experienced angler they can pass on the special techniques we have developed over the years that are specific to Alaskan waters.
A second guide will accompany our guests in our DeHavilland Beaver to insure an optimum guide to guest ratio.


Our pilot/guides Dave and Martin have an unmatched combined experience of more than 60 years of flying and guiding in the area we operate in.

Dave has been our Director of Operations and pilot/guide for over thirty years. His knowledge of the area and its fishery is unsurpassed and he takes great care to ensure that all of our staff are highly qualified and personable.

Martin has been pilot/guide and “Chief Explorer” for nineteen years and everyone who has flown with him in the beaver, whether on floats or giant tundra tires, knows how much he loves Alaska, fishing, and flying!

Since 1976 our pilots and guides have kept a daily fishing log that is an invaluable reference source for planning your days on the water.


  • Fishing

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